Friday, July 29, 2011

Justificaion, Sanctification, and Glorified

There's this guy named AJ Newell. He's the youth pastor at this camp I go to each summer, Life Action Camp. He's one of the wisest guys I know and one of the best at explaining the Bible to teenagers. And the things he talked about have been bouncing around in my head since I left. I don't have much to talk about today, but I want to share with you one of the things I learned, and I also want you to watch the video at the end. (I know it's eleven minutes long, but this video so amazingly portrays the Gospel, you simply have to watch it.)

AJ transformed my understanding of justification, sanctification, and glory. Check this out:

When I say that I am justified, what I really mean is that it's just as if I'd never sinned. When I say that I am sanctified, what I really mean is that the Spirit lives in me but I still struggle with my flesh, but greater is He who is in me than he who is in this world. When I say that I will be glorified with Christ one day, what I really mean is eventually, when Jesus comes back or when I die, I will be who God intended me to be.

Justification saves me from the penalty of sin
Sanctification saves me from the power of sin
Glorified saves me from the presence of sin

Isn't that awesome! Because Jesus sacrificed Himself from me, because He stepped in and took the blow, He satisfied the wrath of God and I am justified: because of His love, He took the penalty for my sin. And because the Spirit of Christ lives in me, I now have to option to choose between God and sin, life and death; I will still sin, because I haven't been glorified yet, but the Spirit lives in me and I am growing closer to God. And one day, one glorious day, I will be raised up in the clouds and glorified with my Christ: the presence of sin will be removed and I will be as God intended me to be: a perfect image of Christ.

Oh how I can't wait to meet Him in person! That will be the best day in the history of the world. I can hardly imagine the joy and gratitude and ecstasy and love and emotion that will be displayed when Christ is united with His bride!

That's really all I have to say. Now please, watch this video. It may change your view of the Good News. At the very least, it should inspire you greatly.

1 comment:

Adreanna said...

This video is AWESOME!!! I love it! It is an awesome reminder of what God did for us. And lately I have heard a ton of messages about sharing your faith. More then I can count in the last 2 months alone. It is time for us to step up to what we are called to do. We need to share our faith! We need to step up. Share our faith, pray and ask God for strength. We need to give God our whole life so we can do what we are called to do. And I'm not just talking about you,(the people reading this), I am talking about myself too! It is time to give God control.

Great job, Logan! :)