Friday, August 20, 2010

Evangelist Arrested in Zanzibar, Tanzania

This is part of an article from, a blog hosted by VOM. Go to their website to read the full article. 

     Our friends at Compass Direct are reporting on another arrest in Tanzania.  In this case it's an evangelist by the name of Peter Masanja, who was arrested sometime early in August because he invited other Christians to his house.  As a result, area Muslims interpreted this as him establishing a church.

Martyrdom is one of my big burns. What I mean by that is I have a heart for martyrs. I read two books on martyrs, and they changed my life and I fell in love with Jesus because of them, so I have a heart for martyrs. Please prayer for Peter. If you know nothing about what Christian prisoners go through, just go to and read some of the stories, or get Jesus Freaks 1 or 2 by dc Talk. I highly suggest Following the persecution blog. 

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