Wednesday, August 4, 2010

New Bible

Yesterday at LifeWay, my mom bought me a new Bible. It's the HSCB Apologetics Study Bible for Youth. It's the HSCB, but with a bunch of awesome study notes, stories, and observations. Every side note is directed at teaching students in defending their faith. There are sections where they discuss Scriptures that have been twisted by other religions, footnotes that disarm contradictions, and articles explaining things from why porn is sinful, to what Buddhism is, to explaining why fossils are important, to whether or not Jesus' disciples accurately wrote Jesus' words down. It's extremely amazing! It's now another Bible that I use to study with, along with my NKJV,  GWT, GNT, The Message, CEV, and my favorite, the NIV. Now, I just need to acquire the NLT and ESV, and I'll have an excellent collection of the best translations. By the way, the HSCB Apologetics Study Bible for Youth is very inexpensive at LifeWay right now, pricing at $20. Check it out!

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